Boston SSDI Eligibility Could be Impacted by Outside Factors

If you live in a particularly economically depressed area, you could have a tougher time securing Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.
Our Boston SSDI lawyers know that this seems incredibly unfair, as your need for benefits is likely compounded by the fact that even if you were able to work, you can’t find it.

But per a recent Social Security Administration bulletin, this is precisely why it will be tougher. The agency indicates that when the economic climate is less than ideal, there will be those who are only “marginally qualified” seeking benefits, in addition to those who have an even greater need.

While the decision of whether to award you benefits will be based heavily on your actual needs, the administration identified three outside factors that could affect your decision:

  • The demographic characteristics of the applicants;
  • The diagnostic mix of applicants;
  • The local labor market conditions.

As we are still recovering from an economic recession, there are many sectors of the labor market that are still struggling. With a higher level of scrutiny being applied to all cases in recent years, one of the best ways you can improve your chances for success is to hire a skilled SSDI claims attorney to effectively present your case.

The SSA reports that when adverse labor market conditions exist, not only will marginally-qualified applicants be more likely to file claims, but those who are more significantly disabled will apply sooner than they might have otherwise.

Additionally, the longer time goes on, the more income people lose and the greater the chances that a person might qualify for Supplemental Security Income, available to those under the age of 65 who are below the poverty line, yet don’t meet disability requirements. Many times under these conditions, applicants end up eligible to receive both.

Generally, the higher the unemployment rate in a given region, the lesser your chance of being approved in the initial stages of your application. Chances of approval in any case are already slim – about 3 out of 10.

But this is all the more reason why you can’t simply give up. You must understand that the SSA, as much as it is responsive to the needs of those who are disabled, it must also be accountable to taxpayers who demand restraint.

There are many reasons why the Social Security Disability Insurance program has grown in recent years, and very little of that has anything to do with abuse or exploitation of the system. However, that’s what is often hyped in the media, and the SSA is sensitive to that.

There is some positive news, however, as SSA researchers noted that between 1993 and 2008, Massachusetts had a higher-than-average allowance rate for SSDI benefits, as compared to other states.

Among those applicants most likely to receive a favorable result:

  • Older adult disability applicants;
  • Adults who had a diagnosis of conditions other than a primary underlying musculoskeletal condition;
  • Adults who had genitourinary, neoplasms and intellectual disability diagnoses;
  • Living in a state with a lower unemployment rate.

No matter what your situation, call us today to learn more about how we can help.

If you are considering filing for SSDI in Boston, call for a free and confidential appointment at (617) 777-7777.

Additional Resources:
Factors Affecting Initial Disability Allowance Rates for the Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Programs: The Role of the Demographic and Diagnostic Composition of Applicants and Local Labor Market Conditions, Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 4, 2012
More Blog Entries:
Injury Risk Lower in Urban Setting Versus Rural, Report Says, Aug. 10, 2013, Boston Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer Blog

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