The Social Security Disability Insurance benefits program has long been a punching bag of politicians seeking popularity by preying on common misconceptions about the program. Opponents seeking to slash the program argue benefits are too easy to obtain, workers who receive benefits aren’t really as disabled as they purport and…
Massachusetts Social Security Disability Lawyers Blog
Sprinkle v. Colvin – Attorney’s Fees Covered With Inflation Considered
Having an attorney to represent you through the Social Security Disability Insurance claims process is a smart move, not only because it alleviates the burden on the claimant, but also because it’s been proven that doing so improves a claimant’s success rate. However, the primary reason why people refrain from…
Fugate v. Comm’r of Social Sec. – Workers’ Comp May Affect SSDI Benefits
Those seeking Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (or those who are already beneficiaries) need to know receiving workers’ compensation is likely to offset the amount they receive from SSDI. While former workers can be eligible for both at the same time, the Social Security Administration typically requires in such situations…
Rand Paul Says Many Receiving SSDI Benefits Gaming System
With the upcoming war in Congress over whether to increase funding to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, the issue is getting a lot of press. Recently, according to a news article from MSNBC, Senator Rand Paul has gone on record claiming many SSDI beneficiaries are gaming the system…
Social Security Benefits for Disabled Veterans
With all the troops forward deployed to places like Iraq and Afghanistan during the global war on terror, we are seeing more and more young men and women returning home from the battlefield with severe and permanent disabilities. Some of these disabilities are physical in nature and involve loss of…
Social Security Disability Claims Process
Much of the news coverage about the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program deals with the upcoming budget shortage, which may reduce benefits by 20 percent by 2016 should congress fail to act. However, a recent news article from Huffington Posts looks at how the system works for claimants and…
Minnick v. Colvin: Proving Disability
In Minnick v. Colvin, an appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, claimant saw his doctor in January of 2009 with complaints of lower back pain radiating down both legs. His doctor opined the pain was muscular in nature. He also found a secondary cause…
Congress Ready to Fight Over SSDI Funding
With changes in Congress we are seeing following this past election, it is hard to watch the national news or use the internet without hearing about what the next big fight will be. One of the issues that must be decided soon is what will happen to the Social Security…
Comedian Denied Disability Benefits after Being Hit by Subway Train
According to a recent article from Media Bistro, a comedian passed out on the platform of a New York City subway station and was hit by a train. This occurred while she was coming from an audition to be on Saturday Night Live. The South Carolina comedian is still recovering…
Long Wait for Social Security Disability Benefits Affects Many in Need
Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is long and complicated process that often proves too much to handle for unrepresented claimants. One of the major problems is that the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) has created a system that is essentially designed to deny most claims. In fact,…