
Massachusetts Social Security Disability Lawyers Blog


Is Obesity a Disability? Determining SSDI Eligibility

Addiction and alcoholism, depression, and obesity are some diseases that can be more difficult when filing Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims. While obesity itself is not enough to qualify for SSDI benefits, individuals who suffer from obesity and related health consequences, including diabetes, may qualify. In recent European case,…


SSA Approves $400 Billion in Previously Denied Claims

The application process for Social Security Disability can be long and frustrating. While the majority of applicants are denied on their first attempt, many will also go through months or even years of hearings and appeals just to get the benefits to which they are entitled. According to recent reports,…


Are There Really Too Many People on Disability?

Charts have been circulating on the Internet recently indicating that there are “too many” Americans receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. News articles have warned that the number of people receiving disability income has reached an “all-time record” and that the high number of beneficiaries could cripple the…


The Social Security Disability System Has Serious Problems

Disabled individuals in the United States face many challenges including unemployment rates higher than the average as well as a medical care system that can be difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, another problem that the disabled face is that there are only limited benefits programs available to provide income. Those who…


Tobeler v. Colvin – Competent SSDI Lay Witnesses Can’t be Excluded Without Comment

In filing for Social Security Disability Insurance in Boston, many applicants recognize that they are going to have to produce copious amounts of medical documentation, test results and likely testimony from numerous doctors and other professionals. What few may realize is that equally important could be the testimony provided by…


SSDI Compassionate Allowance List Expands

A growing number of those diagnosed with severe debilitating conditions can now seek an expedited approval process for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Among the new listed conditions granted approval for the bureaucratic fast-track: Angiosarcoma Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor Chronic Idiopathic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Ethesioneuroblastoma Gian…

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