
Massachusetts Social Security Disability Lawyers Blog


Social Security as a Family Protection Program

The Social Security Disability (SSD) system has come under heavy attacks in recent months as politicians and think tanks argue that the system is becoming overloaded and rife with fraud. Recently, however, a spokesperson from the AARP offered a different perspective. The AARP spokesperson defended the Social Security disability system,…


SSI Can Help You Get Insurance Required by the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, is going to be in full effect beginning January 1, 2014. This means that individuals, including those with pre-existing conditions, are now able to obtain insurance coverage by shopping at a federal or state health insurance exchange. It also means that the Affordable…


High Levels of Anxiety Can Increase Risk of Stroke

The risk of stroke continues to impact older adults, and surprisingly, adults in their 30s and 40s. In addition to obvious risks like smoking, heavy drinking, and a history of heart disease, research indicates that individuals with high anxiety are at a higher risk of stroke. A stroke can cause…


Abuse of Disabled Parking Placards in Boston

In the event of disability, individuals who need parking privileges are given placards that give them access to disability spots. Recently, investigators have found that there is abuse of disability parking in the City of Boston. According to reports, some drivers are using placards of deceased relatives, or using placards…


UMass Working on Tech Center for Disabled

The physically and mentally disabled have long benefited from medical and technological advancements. In addition to equipment that helps with mobility and transportation, the mentally impaired can also benefit from computer technologies and communications devices. According to recent reports, the University of Massachusetts in Boston and IBM are collaborating on…


Jobless Don’t Seek SSDI Benefits as Default

There is a common misconception that a large number of those who file for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits in Boston are doing so because they have struggled to find a job in a downtrodden economy. That’s why concern about the stability of the federal program has heightened with news…


Bates v. Astrue – Persistence Pays in Battle for Federal Benefits

Proving qualification for federal benefits is almost never a simple matter. This is true whether you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance in Massachusetts or Supplemental Security Income. The government almost never considers such determinations a simple matter, as the case of Bates v. Astrue well illustrates. The U.S.…


Protecting Your SSDI Electronic Payments from Scammers

The Social Security Administration sends out both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits electronically each month so that the disabled can get the income they need. Unfortunately, our Boston disability lawyers know that this makes recipients vulnerable to identity theft and to having their…


Lung Cancer Patients May Be in Need of SSDI Benefits

Lung cancer is one of the most serious types of cancer, and a recent study of more than 3,000 cancer patients and their clinicians published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology revealed that lung cancer patients overall were reported as being more difficult to treat, having higher symptoms, and having…


The Disabled Are Being Deprived of a Political Voice

In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act works to protect the disabled from discrimination while the Social Security Disability system aims to ensure that disabled individuals have enough money to meet their basic living expenses, even when they can no longer work as a result of a medical…

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