The Social Security Disability insurance program has been under fire in recent months, with lawmakers calling for changes and reports on 60 Minutes and NRP suggesting the system is rife with fraud. Unfortunately, many of the claims that have been made in recent months, including those from lawmakers arguing for…
Massachusetts Social Security Disability Lawyers Blog
Beware of Social Security Disability Overpayments
Social Security disability lawyers in Boston know that the disabled face many hurdles getting benefits and that often the benefits that are paid out provide only a limited amount of income. For some individuals receiving disability benefits, however, the problem isn’t that their claims have been delayed or that their…
The Disabled Are Not Getting The Help They Need
In the United States, 37.2 million Americans have some type of disabling condition. Unfortunately, as baby boomers age, the number of Americans who are impaired or disabled is likely only to grow. Disabled individuals not only make up a large portion of the U.S. population, but an estimated 15 percent…
Qualifying for Disability Benefits with Depression
Individuals can become severely disabled by many different conditions including a serious injury or an illness such as cancer or heart disease. Our Boston Social Security disability lawyers, however, know that one of the leading causes of disability in the United States and throughout the world is depression. Depression can…
Approaches to Reforming the Disability Benefits System
Our Boston Social Security disability lawyers know that federal lawmakers are looking seriously for solutions to what some believe are major problems within the disability benefits system. Concerns that the Social Security Disability Insurance funds will run out of money within just a few short years, coupled with reports of…
Taking a Look at the Private Disability Insurance Market
If you become disabled due to an injury or serious illness, you may be unable to work for a living as a result of your impairments. If this occurs, you have several different potential sources of income to turn to: Social Security Disability benefits (SSD), workers’ compensation disability (available only…
Could Chained CPI Affect Your Disability Benefits?
After a 16-day shutdown of the United States government, budget negotiations are beginning again. For five years, ongoing negotiations have centered around passing a budget that is accepted by both Democrats and Republicans and that addresses problems related to the deficit and the need for economic growth. In the upcoming…
Disabled Workers Struggle to Find Jobs and are Paid Less
Disabled individuals often have a very difficult time finding work, despite laws requiring employers to make reasonable accommodations for those with a disability. Unfortunately, a new study now indicates that those who are disabled who are employed are paid around 10 percent less than other workers who hold similar jobs.…
The Disability Benefits COLA Increase could Be Among the Lowest in Decades
Millions of Americans rely on disability benefits from the Social Security Administration as their sole source of income if they are not able to work. For Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients, benefit amounts are set based on your work history, while Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are set based…
Social Security Process a Challenge – Vital for Those in Need
Most of us do not consider the Social Security Disability system or the process of applying until we are in need of benefits. While you may have private insurance or think that the Social Security system is something you deal with in retirement, remember that it may be a benefit…