Articles Posted in Boston SSDI

As you may have already heard, a Social Security Administration (SSA) administrative law judge (ALJ) was accused to have been of sexually harassing his co-workers at the agency and writing derogatory things about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits claimants when denying their applications.

gavel211Following these accusations that came as result of a whistleblower inside the SSA (the federal agency responsible for administering the Social Security disability programs and the Social Security Old Age and Retirement program), there was a widespread opinion that he should resign as an ALJ before being subject to discipline. Continue reading

O’Connor-Spinner v. Colvin, a case from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, involves a claimant who was suffering from a degenerative disk disease, severe sleep apnea, restrictive lung disease, obesity, and depression.  In this case, unlike many other Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) appeals, there was no dispute as to the existence or severity of claimant’s physical medical condition.

1028452_syringes_and_vialAccording to claimant, these conditions make it only possible for her to perform light work.  However, her depression made impossible to perform any work.  The singular issue in this appeal is whether her depression did in fact render her unable to work. This was the second time the Court of Appeals had heard this issue, as the claimant had applied for disability benefits earlier, and the court of appeals found the judge had not properly questioned experts in this case. Continue reading

As discussed in a recent news feature from ABC News, the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) will subject a claimant to review process at certain intervals following an award of disability benefits.  While in most cases it is just a scheduled or even random review, in some cases the agency does suspect fraud and will require a claimant to undergo a review.

deniedThe process by which the SSA will typically request a review is to send a letter to the claimant requesting that the claimant see a certain doctor and have an evaluation as to their condition that qualifies them for disability benefits. This doctor does not necessarily work directly for the SSA, but the doctor does get paid by SSA, so there is certainly some level of bias we see from time to time. Continue reading

U.S. soldiers may be eligible for a number of benefits related to injuries suffered in the course of their service. They should not overlook the possibility of securing SSDI.

In Hensley v. Colvin, a case from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, claimant is a combat veteran who served in the U.S. Army during the war in Iraq and suffered a serious knee injury while deployed. Two years later, he had surgery on his right knee, and he was awarded disability benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  He was deemed to have a service-connected disability, which is the requirement to get awarded VA benefits.

1100587_hospital_handClaimant also applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. His basis for claiming that he was disabled is that he suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), pain in his back, pain in his right knee, and a twitching in the nerves in his face.  His application for benefits was denied after a finding that he was not disabled under the guidelines of the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA).  The SSA is the agency that is responsible for administering the disability fund and awarding benefits. Continue reading

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are not always easy to come by.

In Cole v. Colvin, as case from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, claimant worked as a welder in 2000 when he was injured in an accident.  The accident resulted in him breaking his left arm and his wrist.  As a result of these injuries, claimant was required to have a metal plate and steel screws implanted in his arm.

1033916_medical_instruments_3Claimant had been in pain for eight years following the accident, and despite a lot of medical treatment, the pain would not go away.  He still worked following the accident and was a factory foreman at the time he had a second serious accident. Continue reading

When people talk about Social Security, they are often talking about the benefits you get when you reach the designated age of retirement.  This age of retirement is determined by the year in which you were born, because Congress has raised the retirement age on sliding scale several times over the years as way to save money on the program, which is often running short of funds.

taxesThe retirement program is technically called the Old Age and Retirement Benefits program and is administered by the United States Social Security Administration (SSA).  This is the same agency that runs the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.  Continue reading

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits to some 60 million people, including 43 million retired workers and their dependents, 6 million who have survived deceased workers and another 11 million disabled workers and their dependents.


That last category is known as Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI. A recent annual report from the SSA – all 272 pages of it – highlights some of the issues the program is facing. Specifically, it takes a look at solvency.

First, it’s important to understand that the Social Security Trust Fund, which is fueled by payroll taxes on wage, is not being totally depleted of money. Continue reading

Recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits in Boston know what an uphill battle it can be to secure payments. What they may not realize is that once benefits are obtained, that isn’t the end of the story. sad1

The fact is, all SSDI benefits claims are periodically reviewed upon approval. How often and with what degree of scrutiny will depend on the type of illness claimed and the stated prognosis at the time benefits were awarded.

For some facing an upcoming review of benefits, it’s advisable to consult with an attorney, just to make sure you aren’t overlooking any aspect that could jeopardize future payments.  Continue reading

We have been hearing a lot about guns in the news lately.  Following the horrific shooting at the Orlando nightclub, many have renewed their fight to ban assault weapons.  There are, of course, those on the other side who feel that there should be not be any restrictions on the right to purchase firearms, as that would violate a citizen’s Second Amendment right.

Regardless of where you come down on this issue, one of the ways that some are trying to accomplish this is by having the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) have the power to deny a person who is collecting disability benefits for mental health reasons from purchasing a firearm.


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When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, you first have to decide which type of benefit is appropriate. In many case, if you have a work history and have become disabled, you will be applying for what are known as Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) benefits. This program requires that you have worked for a certain number of quarters prior to applying for benefits.  The exact number of benefits will be dependent upon your age.

957924_hand-300x200For example, a 21-year-old worker how has been employed for a few years prior to becoming disabled would not need to have worked as long as a 30-year-old worker in most cases.  The way the system is designed is to function much like private long-term disability insurance in which you pay into the system through your federal tax withholding. With a private disability insurance plan, either you or your employer would pay a premium to obtain coverage like you do with any other private insurance plan.  Continue reading

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