Addiction and alcoholism, depression, and obesity are some diseases that can be more difficult when filing Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims. While obesity itself is not enough to qualify for SSDI benefits, individuals who suffer from obesity and related health consequences, including diabetes, may qualify. In recent European case, courts asked the same question–is obesity a disability? A Danish man was fired from his job because he was too overweight. He filed a discrimination case, which was heard before the European Court of Justice. In the end, the court ruled that obesity is an addiction, not a disability, which could have future implications. In the United States, courts are battling similar questions with regards to SSDI benefits.

For many individuals, obesity is a significant impairment to joining the workforce. It can make transportation, day-to-day functioning, and job performance nearly impossible. In addition to the physical ailments associated with obesity, many patients also suffer mental conditions. Individuals who suffer from obesity may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. Our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) attorneys are experienced with helping individuals file timely and effective claims. Our priority is to accommodate your immediate and future needs, develop an effective approach, and provide the SSA with sufficient documentation of your illness and disability. Though obesity claims can pose challenges, they are not impossible.
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