The Social Security Disability (SSD) system has come under heavy attacks in recent months as politicians and think tanks argue that the system is becoming overloaded and rife with fraud. Recently, however, a spokesperson from the AARP offered a different perspective. The AARP spokesperson defended the Social Security disability system, portraying it as what it actually is: family protection, rather than a welfare program for those who don’t want to work.
Boston Social Security disability lawyers know that there are many efforts underway to limit or even reduce Social Security Disability benefits, including a suggestion that the cost-of-living adjustments be changed to a formula called Chained CPI that would, in effect, be a cut in benefits. There have also been crackdowns on alleged fraud in the SSD system and efforts to make changes that will make it even harder than it already is to qualify for disability benefits through the Social Security Disability program. These cuts are justified through false claims that people just apply for the program to avoid work, when the argument that the SSDI system really is a family benefit is much closer to the actual truth.
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