As discussed in a recent news feature from Fox News, the United States Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is now a part of the Social Security Act that went into effect 81 years ago.  The act originally only created the Social Security payments to senior citizens under the program now known as the, “Old Age and Retirement” program.

1078874_word_work_on_the_dices-300x214After the initial success of this program, the Social Security Disability Insurance program was created as an amendment to the Social Security Act created 21 years prior.  This program required everyone who was working to have a percentage of their income withheld from their respective paychecks and that money deposited into the Social Security disability fund. Continue reading

According to a recent news feature from WCNC News, there was an understandably strong reaction from the social media community when a man who had three limbs amputated was denied for Social Security disability benefits.  She suffered from a very serious infection known as sepsis and almost died. She was lucky enough to survive sepsis, but the infection required doctors to have to amputate three of her limbs.  In total, she lost one leg, one foot, and both arms.  She was left with one leg without a foot.

wheelchair7She was a stay-at-home mom before becoming sick and had not worked for the ten years prior to filing for Social Security benefits. She had chosen to stay home and take care of her family while her spouse worked.  While she did not earn an income, she clearly provided a great deal of value to her family. Continue reading

When you first go to file a Social Security disability benefits claim, you will need to provide a great deal of information to the United States Social Security Administration (SSA).  The SSA is the agency that runs the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.

deniedThe first thing you will have to do is gather your medical information, including an opinion of a treating physician as to why you are disabled.  However, it should be noted that the SSA often has a very different interpretation than a medical doctor of what it means to be disabled.  Continue reading

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of coverage about one administrative law judge (ALJ) who was and still is working for the United States Social Security Administration (SSA).  This judge allegedly would write down notes about applicants who came before him for administrative hearings when their respective applications for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits were denied.

cash-1425744Two employees, who have claim they have faced retaliation for the actions, had decided to become whistleblowers to tell the agency about what this judge was doing.  He had allegedly commented on applications that one claimant was “buxom” and another was “gorilla like.”  There were many other such messages like this, as well allegations that this ALJ was sexually harassing staff members at his SSA office. Continue reading

According to a recent news feature from, a former administrative law judge (ALJ) has been arraigned on federal criminal charges related to allegations that he had sex with a disabled woman in exchange for awarding her benefits and then tried to cover it up by destroying evidence.

suittieAn administrative law judge works for the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) and presides over hearings to determine if a claimant is entitled to disability benefits. These hearings can be requested once a claimant’s initial application is rejected and then a written request for reconsideration is also rejected. Continue reading

In Fischer v. Colvin, a case from the Untied States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, claimant applied for disability benefits from the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) in February 2012.  It should be noted that U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit is the federal appeals court that has controlling jurisdiction over cases that arise in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

1078874_word_work_on_the_dices-300x214Claimant alleged that she was disabled because she had fallen off a ladder in the late 1990s.  Prior to that time, she had been working as a hair stylist.  She also had worked for a gift basket company in the past and also was the owner of a lingerie store.  She claimed that her onset of disability date was October 31, 1995. Continue reading

In Alvarado v. Colvin, a case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, claimant was born in 1967 and first began receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration in 1993.  The reason for obtaining a disability rating was due to having serious medical impairments that began around the time he was born.

1158337_nurseii_4The type of benefits he received are known as Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) administers this SSI program, and these benefits are for children of low-income households who suffer from serious medical conditions, disabled adults who have never worked before due to a disability, elderly individuals and those who are blind. Continue reading

A recent news feature from NEWS OK takes a look the various disability benefits programs offered by the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) and also discuss when a claimant may be eligible to receive disability benefits.

magnifying-glass-1254223The article was basically a response to questions that had been asked by readers about the Social Security disability programs.  The first question was whether a person who became mentally disabled as a result of a car accident would be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Continue reading

There is no question that applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be a long a daunting process.  The first thing a claimant must do is to file an application with the Social Security Administration (SSA).  This application should be accompanied by supporting medical documentation to show that claimant is actually disabled.

pencil-tip-1251776Once the application is submitted, unfortunately, SSA will probably deny it.  In fact, most applications are rejected on their first pass, and it has little to do with whether the claimant is actually disabled.  This is basically an unwritten rule that the applications are rejected a lot of the time.  The reason for this is because it is a way to save money. Continue reading

According to a recent news feature from the Wisconsin Watchdog, the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) has fired a whistleblower – and some members of Congress are not happy with this action by the administrative agency.

whistle-1419514For those who are not familiar with SSA, it is the federal agency that is responsible for administering the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. SSDI is a disability program designed told help disabled individuals who have worked long enough to accrue the requisite number of quarterly credits to qualify for benefits.  Every time a worker pays his or her taxes, a portion of that tax money goes to the fund the SSDI program and the SSI program as well as the Old Age and Retirement benefits fund, which is also run by the SSA. Continue reading

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