Securing a Social Security Disability Insurance judgment is not an simple or swift task in most cases.
Not withstanding reports of judges rubber-stamping disability awards, our Boston SSDI lawyers know the process tends to be lengthy, convoluted and draining for those involved. It’s also worth it in the end for those who need it.

Some of the more difficult cases we take on include those where a person claims disability on the basis of a mental disorder, as listed in the Social Security Bluebook listing in section 12.00. The fact that such listings exist at all is a testament to how far we’ve come as a society in our view of mental health, particularly the organic nature of many conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, affective disorders and depression.
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Addiction and alcoholism, depression, and obesity are some diseases that can be more difficult when filing Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims. While obesity itself is not enough to qualify for SSDI benefits, individuals who suffer from obesity and related health consequences, including diabetes, may qualify. In recent European case, courts asked the same question–is obesity a disability? A Danish man was fired from his job because he was too overweight. He filed a discrimination case, which was heard before the European Court of Justice. In the end, the court ruled that obesity is an addiction, not a disability, which could have future implications. In the United States, courts are battling similar questions with regards to SSDI benefits.


For many individuals, obesity is a significant impairment to joining the workforce. It can make transportation, day-to-day functioning, and job performance nearly impossible. In addition to the physical ailments associated with obesity, many patients also suffer mental conditions. Individuals who suffer from obesity may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. Our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) attorneys are experienced with helping individuals file timely and effective claims. Our priority is to accommodate your immediate and future needs, develop an effective approach, and provide the SSA with sufficient documentation of your illness and disability. Though obesity claims can pose challenges, they are not impossible.
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The application process for Social Security Disability can be long and frustrating. While the majority of applicants are denied on their first attempt, many will also go through months or even years of hearings and appeals just to get the benefits to which they are entitled. According to recent reports, the Social Security Administration (SSA), approved nearly $400 billion in benefits. Many critics allege that these federal judges “rubber-stamped” the claims without review. In a process that is riddled with delays and complications, many individuals who were previously denied finally found relief.


In a report that analyzed how administrative law judges approve disability claims, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform accused some of the judges of approving benefits too quickly. In these cases, the judges approved benefits claims more than 75% of the time. While some critics argue that the practice was wasteful, many of these individuals were in genuine need of disability funds. Our Boston SSDI attorneys are experienced in representing individuals suffering from disability or illness and in need of benefits. We are abreast of developments that impact the rights and interests of these applicants.
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It is widely known that Social Security Disability benefits are often denied upon first application. This can be a frustrating reality for individuals who are unable to work and who need benefits to make ends meet. According to data provided by the Social Security Administration, the approval rate for those seeking benefits has dropped to a five-year low. Records indicate that only 48% of individuals who applied for SSDI benefits were approved at the hearing level. Only 33% of applicants were approved with their initial application.


Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) is a critical benefits program available to individuals who suffer from disabilities or illness that render them unable to work. In some cases, claimants can have their applications fast-tracked, especially if they meet certain requirements and if their condition is on the “compassionate allowances” list. Our Boston SSDI attorneys understand the complexity of filing claims. We are highly experienced in providing appropriate documentation, seeking medical support, and ensuring that applications are complete and processed in a timely manner. Those who need financial support should consult with an experienced advocate to help navigate the SSDI benefits process.
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Many people do not purchase disability insurance. Disability insurance is a type of insurance policy that would provide you with income if you become sick or injured and you cannot work either temporarily or permanently. If you do not have disability insurance and you become unable to work, your only option may be to apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) income. woman-in-hospital-1051476-m.jpg

Unfortunately, SSD benefits can be hard to qualify for, and it is often necessary to seek assistance with your application from a Boston disability lawyer. The SSA has a strict definition of disabled and those with short-term conditions are out-of-luck when it comes to getting disability income. For all of these reasons, it is important that you have your own private disability insurance policy so you will be taken care of in the event that a tragedy occurs and you are no longer able to work.
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Charts have been circulating on the Internet recently indicating that there are
“too many” Americans receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. News articles have warned that the number of people receiving disability income has reached an “all-time record” and that the high number of beneficiaries could cripple the system and cause Social Security to run out of funding very soon. silhouette-1198018-m.jpg

The reality, however, is that while there are many people receiving disability benefits, the actual number of recipients of SSD income is very small compared with the U.S. population and even compared with the number of disabled Americans. Benefits are very hard to qualify for, and most people who need benefits are going to have to get help from a Boston Social Security Disability attorney in order to even get their claims approved. Further, any increase in the number of people who are receiving SSD income is likely caused by the fact that the population is aging and people are getting sicker as they get older.
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Disabled individuals in the United States face many challenges including unemployment rates higher than the average as well as a medical care system that can be difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, another problem that the disabled face is that there are only limited benefits programs available to provide income. Those who are disabled and who cannot work can qualify for assistance only if they have a long-term disabling condition that will last a year and that meets specific requirements set forth by the Social Security Administration. crack-graphic-1371406-m.jpg

The SSA administers two programs that cater to the disabled: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Both are very difficult to qualify for and you will likely need the assistance of a Boston Social Security Disability attorney if you wish to make a benefits claim. The SSD system not only denies more than 50 percent of applicants, but it is also underfunded and faced with myriad additional problems as well. Recently, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) published an in-depth article pointing out some of the many problems that plague the Social Security system.
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Disabled individuals face challenges in applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, including a high denial rate and long waits for approval. Soon, however, they may be facing a new hurdle: The inability to get in-person help from a local field office. The Social Security Administration may be trying to redesign the way the agency operates so more of its services are provided on the Internet. closed-doors-1400451-m.jpg

Unfortunately, sometimes disabled people may not have access to the Internet or their medical conditions may make it difficult or even impossible for them to navigate the complicated process of applying for benefits online. Without in-person field offices to provide help, these disabled individuals may not even know how to get started. A Boston disability lawyer can help with every step of applying for benefits and hiring a qualified lawyer may become even more essential in the future if field offices are closed.
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In filing for Social Security Disability Insurance in Boston, many applicants recognize that they are going to have to produce copious amounts of medical documentation, test results and likely testimony from numerous doctors and other professionals.
What few may realize is that equally important could be the testimony provided by so-called “lay witnesses.” These are individuals who aren’t necessarily speaking as professionals, but can attest to your condition, its progression and the impact it has had on your ability to work and attend to every-day functions.

There is no question the court is going to hold a doctor’s expert opinion in high regard. Physicians generally retain a lack of bias, and administrative law judges respect when they put the weight of their education, knowledge and training behind a diagnosis.
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A growing number of those diagnosed with severe debilitating conditions can now seek an expedited approval process for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance program.
Among the new listed conditions granted approval for the bureaucratic fast-track:

  • Angiosarcoma
  • Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor
  • Chronic Idiopathic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction
  • Coffin-Lowry Syndrome
  • Ethesioneuroblastoma
  • Gian Axonal Neuropathy
  • Hoyeaal-Hreidarsson Syndrome
  • Joubert Syndrome
  • Lipsarcoma (those with recurrent or metastatic)
  • Malignant Ectomesenchymoma
  • Prostate Cancer (Hormone Refractory Disease or with visceral metastases).

The announcement of this expansion is great news for those with these conditions. It means they and their families will be able to secure benefits within a matter of days or weeks, rather than months or years.

However, most would be best served by the aid of an experienced Boston SSDI attorney to help guide them through the process. (Even those with the listed conditions can benefit from having legal representation, as there are still a significant number of claims that are turned down and require additional work.)
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