In addition to having to reintegrate after deployment, many veterans will return with catastrophic injuries, including amputation, paralysis, burns, and other disabilities. For some, the damage will be psychological, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Social Security Administration (SSA) has created an expedited process to help veterans recover benefits quickly and effectively. In addition to proving benefits to veterans who have suffered a physical injury, the SSA has also begun providing compensation to victims PTSD sufferers. The benefits may be necessary for individuals who have recently served in Iraq or Afghanistan as well as for those who served in Desert Storm or Vietnam.
Any physical or psychological disability that renders a patient unable to work may result in benefits eligibility. Our Boston SSDI attorneys know that these cases are complicated and every beneficiary faces unique challenges. We make it our priority to help recover benefits for our clients in a timely and effective manner. When you or someone you love is in need of financial compensation after a disability, illness, or accident, it is important to consult with an experienced advocate as soon as possible to ensure your access to benefits.
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