February is National Burn Awareness Month, so it’s an important time for both employers and workers to take notice and implement potentially life-saving measures that may have previously been overlooked. roaringbonfire.jpg

Our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance attorneys know that despite the efforts of various advocacy groups, some 5,000 U.S. workers will suffer some type of severe burn at work this year. The U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration estimates that approximately 200 people a year die from workplace burns.

It’s not just fires, either. Burns can be caused by electricity, chemicals or radiation. The effects can be severe and permanently disabling, causing damage to the skin, eyes, lungs, throat and sometimes other vital organs.

Some of the industries that have high rates of burn incidents include:

  • Construction sites;
  • Roofing companies;
  • Chemical plants;
  • Steel mills;
  • Kitchens/restaurants;
  • Laboratories.

After seeking immediate medical treatment, one of the first things a worker and his family will need to decide is whether to pursue either workers’ compensation or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. You could technically file for both, but you should understand that one may affect the other. Our Boston SSDI lawyers also have extensive experience in workers’ compensation claims, so we are well-equipped to help guide you through the process.

A lot of it may depend on where the burn occurred and the severity of it. For example, if the incident clearly occurred while you were on-duty at work, workers’ compensation may be the best route for you. However, if the details of the incident are somewhat less clear or the incident did not happen at work but disabled you nonetheless, SSDI benefits are likely the advisable course. The latter may also be true if your burn injuries are severe and expected to last a long time. In fact, one of the basic requirements for SSDI benefits is that the condition will last at least one year.

Section 8.08 burns in the Social Security Administration’s disability evaluation blue book indicates that in order to qualify, an individual must have either extensive skin lesions or be somehow affecting other body systems.

The first part is fairly straightforward and would likely apply to any serious, third-degree burn on the skin. The second part references cases in which the burn might effect your respiratory, musculoskeletal, neurological or other systems. For example, if you suffer an electrical burn, it is possible that your neurological functions may be significantly diminished. Similarly, if your burns resulted in facial deformities, you could be entitled to benefits under the mental health guidelines.

You would also be considered a good candidate if your doctors expect that over the next year and beyond, you are likely to continue undergoing surgical procedures as a result of your burn injuries.
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Inflammatory arthritis and other rheumatic conditions is the top reported reason for adult disability in the U.S. – and it has remained this way for the last 15 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control. hands.jpg

Our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance attorneys are familiar with the rigorous process through which the administration puts claimants in order to prove that their case qualifies. A diagnosis alone will not be enough to cut it, which is why it’s important for arthritis sufferers to be armed with the facts and then meet with an attorney before filing a claim.

To begin, it’s important to differentiate between the two main types of arthritis because you will have a tougher time winning a case with one than the other.

The first kind is osteoarthritis. This is an extremely common joint disorder that we see a lot in older folks, affecting about 20 million people. It’s simply due to normal wear and tear. Pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms, though there is a lot of research to suggest a healthy lifestyle may help improve symptoms markedly. Getting disability benefits for this condition is going to be an uphill battle, though it’s not totally impossible, depending on your age and the severity of the condition.

The second kind of arthritis is called inflammatory arthritis. This is actually an immune disorder in which the system is overactive, thereby resulting in severe joint inflammation that can cause stiffness, pain, swelling and redness. This condition can strike anyone at any age and is also more likely to affect other body systems, including major internal organs such as the heart and lungs. The three types of inflammatory arthritis are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Psoriatic arthritis;
  • Anklyosing spondylitis.

Even in these cases, simply having a doctor’s diagnosis almost certainly won’t be enough to qualify you for federal benefits. The SSA’s listing requires chronic and persistent bouts of inflammation or deformities that affect numerous body systems or significantly restricted movement or other major side effects, such as major involuntary weight loss, malaise or extreme fatigue. You may also qualify if you find that your condition has significantly limited your ability to carry out daily living functions, social functions or carry out tasks in a timely or efficient manner.

The CDC reports that 42 percent of people who have an arthritis diagnosis have some significant limitation with regard to their vital functions, including walking, bending, kneeling, climbing or even just attending basic social functions.

What’s more, a 2011 study found that people who had arthritis – no matter what their age – had a far worse health-related quality of life than those who were arthritis-free. They were more than twice as likely as their counterparts to report “unhealthy days” over the past month.

The CDC reports that roughly 8 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 44 were diagnosed with arthritis. For cohorts between the ages of 45 and 64, the prevalence shot up to nearly 30 percent.

As it stands today, about 50 million adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis. In the next 15 years, we’re likely to see that increase by roughly 35 percent to 67 million.

If you are one of those for whom arthritis has significantly limited your ability to function and work, call us today to see about initiating a disability benefits claim.
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A newspaper in Florida recently profiled the plight of a working single mother whose miscalculation of SSDI and SSI benefits has prompted the Social Security Administration to halt her benefits altogether. wealth.jpg

Our Boston SSDI attorneys recognize that as much as obtaining benefits can be a struggle, keeping them can be a battle as well.

The Supplemental Security Income is a program that pays benefits to both disabled adults and children who have limited resources and income. Approximately 8 million Americans receive SSI. The amount of benefits one can receive is based upon a combination of factors and is largely influenced on your monthly income versus expenses.

In some cases, people may receive both SSDI and SSI.

An overpayment is when the administration pays you more than it should have, resulting in you having to either pay the money back in full, have a percentage of your future payments docked or have your payments halted altogether.

Potential causes of overpayment include:

  • A change in living situation or marital status;
  • Having an income that is higher than you estimated;
  • Having more resources than the allowable limit;
  • You aren’t disabled any longer, yet continue to receive benefits;
  • You don’t report any changes to the administration in a timely fashion;
  • The administration incorrectly figures your benefits due to incorrect or incomplete information.

Of course, the process can be quite confusing, so it’s no surprise that mistakes are sometimes made. If the administration determines that you have been overpaid, it will send you a brief explanation in the mail with a request asking for a full refund within 30 days. If you fail to do so, the administration may take action by withholding your federal tax refund, deducting a percentage of your future benefits or even reporting this non-payment to the credit bureaus. For those who are already scraping by, this can be extremely worrisome.

The good news is that with the help of an experienced SSDII attorney, you can often successfully appeal to limit or eliminate your obligation to repay an overpayment. The goal of the appeal is to show that either you haven’t actually been overpaid or that the overpayment amount was inflated. Alternatively, even if the overpayment notice is correct, you may be able to file a waiver showing that the error was not your own and that forcing you to cover the amount would cause undue financial hardship.

Proving this is no easy task, which is why having a legal advocate on your side can make all the difference.

In the Florida case, the single mother works part-time as a dishwasher for $9 an hour, yet receives SSDI due to a learning disability. She also receives SSI payments for her two sons – one of whom has a speech disability and the other ADHD. The administration determined that over the course of the last several years, it has overpaid her nearly $35,000 because her income as a dishwasher wasn’t properly reported. Despite the fact that even with the benefits she is far below the poverty line, the government has cut off the SSI payments to her children.

She is working to appeal that decision, and the case is pending.

Amid constant public pressure to reduce expenditures, the administration is constantly looking for ways to cut costs. However, this should not be at the expense of those who truly need the help.
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The Social Security Administration has proposed a change to terminology with regard to “mental retardation,” in line with Rosa’s Law, which was signed by President Barack Obama in 2010. It is named for a Maryland girl with Down’s syndrome. livingwithdowns.jpg

Our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance lawyers expect this will have little impact on those seeking benefits under Section 12.05 of the agency’s disability listings. In fact, the move is intended to create distance from the negative connotations of the term with improved sensitivity in mind.

In a proposed rule issued late last month, the agency noted its intention to replace the term “mental retardation” with the term “intellectual disability” in its listing of impairments in evaluating claims involving mental disorders in both children and adults.

The qualifications used to measure this disability would remain the same. That is, the person must display a significantly lower general intellectual functioning prior to age 22. Under this listing, there are four potential measurements.

The first is whether the person has a dependency upon others for basic personal needs such as using the bathroom, eating, bathing or dressing and has an inability to follow directions to the point that taking a standardized test is not an option.

The second is whether that person has a valid Intellectual Quotient (IQ) of 59 or less.

The third is whether the individual has an IQ score of between 60 and 70, as well as some other physical or mental impairment that would create a significant limitation to work function.

And the fourth is whether the individual has an IQ score of between 60 and 70 that results in any of the following: significant restrictions in everyday living activities, difficulties in maintaining social functions, difficulties in concentration, pace or persistence or repeated episodes of decompensation.

The only change would be the way in which the agency refers to these conditions. Rather than “mental retardation” or “mentally retarded children,” the agency listing would say, “intellectual disability” or “children with intellectual disability.”

The terminology change was prompted not only by Rosa’s Law, but by increasing pressure from advocacy groups, such as The Arc, whose CEO was quoted by media as saying that such a move is a critical step in the promotion and protection of basic human and civil rights.

A similar rule was proposed back in 2010, but it was ultimately sidelined. Other agencies have already adopted the new terminology, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new terminology won’t be officially used by the SSA any sooner than Feb. 27, as the agency must allow at least a month of public comments before it can be formally adopted.

For many people with this type of disability, SSDI benefits are a lifeline that allows them to sustain their basic needs. Many cannot navigate the process on their own, so advocates and caretakers for these individuals should not hesitate to reach out to a disability insurance attorney who is experienced in working to secure and maintain these critical benefits.
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For all the hype of an over-inflated Social Security Disability Insurance program in the U.S., the number of those applying for benefits last year was actually lower than it had been at any time in the last three to five years. beautyofsadness.jpg

Our Boston SSDI attorneys know that while some are pointing to this as a sign of economic improvement, it may actually be a sign of widespread discouragement among new applicants.

Consider that while about 50 percent of SSDI applications were approved in 1998, only about 33 percent were approved last year. Part of that could be attributed to the extensively backlogged system, as many applications from 2012 are still pending. But the fact is, it’s getting tougher to win.

According to the Social Security Administration, in 2012 some 2.8 people applied for SSDI benefits, with only about 980,000 being approved. This is the lowest its been since 2008 (for approvals) and 2009 (for applications).

This past year, the U.S. economy added about 1.8 million jobs, pushing the unemployment rate down by more than half a percentage point in that same time frame.

An improved economy might explain the decreased SSDI applications to a small extent. In 2011, the White House released findings from the White House Council of Economic Advisers indicating that Americans between the ages of 50 and 65 who lacked access to a savings of at least $5,000 were more likely to apply for SSDI when their unemployment benefits expired than those who did have access to a sizable savings.

However, what was overlooked in all this is the fact that those who have less of a savings may be more likely to have fewer specialized skills that would allow them to continue working in the event of a disability.

For example, an engineer who suffers a severe physically disabling condition may have an easier time finding and continuing to work – and have a bigger savings account – than someone whose full-time work was in manufacturing.

To be sure, the SSDI process can be an arduous one, made particularly difficult without the assistance of an experienced legal advocate. However, white-collar professionals should not consider the option closed to them.

The key to approval is showing that your condition has rendered you unable to do the work you did before and that you would not be able to adjust to other similar positions. So while physical disabilities may be relatively straightforward, someone whose job requires intense concentration, multi-tasking and organization could potentially claim disability for conditions relating to neurological or mental disorders.

However, these types of conditions tend to require a greater amount of detailed medical proof indicating inability to work. Our SSDI lawyers, having extensive experience in this realm, understand what the administration is looking for and can help bolster your chances of a successful claim.

And applicants shouldn’t necessarily be discouraged by a denial. As the numbers above show, most people who go through the process are denied on their first application. But the approval rating increases for those who take the time to appeal that decision.

Amazingly, most people don’t take this step. If you have already been denied and are considering your next step, an SSDI attorney can help you determine exactly why the claim was denied so that you are better-prepared for the review.
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When it comes to securing disability benefits for a long-term illness or ailment, our Boston Social Security Disability Insurance lawyers know that the wait can be excruciating. withoutface31.jpg

As with many government agencies, the Social Security Administration at times moves seemingly slower than molasses – despite the financial urgency experienced by those working to obtain benefits.

One avenue of relief that may be available to those with certain conditions is a Compassionate Allowance. The administration recently expanded its list, which now includes 200 qualifying medical conditions.

Since October of 2008, some 200,000 people have been approved for SSDI through a Compassionate Allowance. These are individuals with serious diseases who may get approved for a condition in days, rather than the months or years it often takes. Primarily, qualifying conditions include certain types of cancers, brain disorders and a few rare conditions that affect children.

Hiring an SSDI lawyer even for these cases can be beneficial in terms of ensuring you have all the proper paperwork regarding medical exams, treatments and medications to ensure a swift approval.

Among the new conditions approved for Compassionate Allowance as of Dec. 1 of last year are:

  • Adult Onset Huntington Disease;
  • Aplastic Anemia;
  • Child T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma;
  • Endormetrial Stromal Sarcoma;
  • Malignant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor;
  • Malignant Germ Cell Tumor;
  • Menkes Disease;
  • Peritoneal Mucinous Carcinomatosis;
  • Roberts Syndrome;
  • Sinonasal Cancer;
  • Transplant Coronary Artery Vasculopathy.
  • These are just a few of the 35 new conditions, and a small fraction of the 200.

    The administration reached the conclusion to include these diseases through a process that includes public outreach hearings, counsel of scientific and medical experts, comments to local SSDI offices and research conducted by the National Institutes of Health.

    All of these conditions have been found to most likely – just by diagnosis – meet the agency’s definition of disability. Generally, meeting this requirement can come down to subjective interpretation, which is why having a lawyer to advocate your case can be so important.

    In determining your case, a reviewer with the administration is going to look at the following:

    • Are you able to work?
    • Is your condition considered severe?
    • Is your ailment among the list of potentially disabling conditions?
    • Are you able to do the work you did before?
    • Are you able to do any other type of work?

    What the agency is looking to determine is whether your condition has already or is expected to last at least 12 months (or result in death) and that it prevents you from working.

    Again, this can be subjective, and the administration tends to take a hard line when it comes to whether a person is able to work. For example, a person who is rather educated and worked in a less physically-demanding job may have a tougher time securing benefits than someone who is less educated and whose job history includes positions requiring rigorous physical activity. That’s because the agency will look at whether there is any other type of work you may be capable of doing. Someone with more education will be seen as having more opportunities.

    Those with conditions listed in the Compassionate Allowances list may have an easier time overcoming these hurdles, but should still consider hiring an advocate to help ensure their rights are protected throughout the process.
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